همه روزه شاهد خبر های خودکشی، غرق شدن، و معتاد
شدن مهاجران هستیم. این همه به خاطر محیط استرس زا و افزایش میزان استرس در میان مهاجران
اهل افغانستان در اروپا به خاطر تازه وارد بودن و جدید بودن محیط زندگی، ندانستن قوانین،
ندانستن زبان، امورات اداری و قیودات سخت پناهندگی، شرایط سخت زندگی در کمپ های مهاجرت،
بیگانه ستیزی و بیگانه هراسی کشور های میزبان، مشکلات بیش از حد، نداشتن کار و عاید
و یا هم نداشتن سند اقامت و جواز کار، نداشتن حق تحصیل، نداشتن حق بیرون رفتن از کمپ،
نداشتن پول برای مسافرت و در کمپ باقی ماندن برای سال های متمادی، جواب منفی گرفتن
از کیس پناهندگی و بی سرنوشتی، نداشتن سرپناه، نداشتن دوست های خوب و صمیمی، جدایی
از خانواده، افتادن به دست گروه های نژادپرست افراطی ضد مهاجر، و تفاوت های فرهنگی،
شوک فرهنگی، رفتار های عجیب و غریب مردمان کشور های میزبان، نگاه های مملو از نفرت،
نگاه کردن به مهاجران به عنوان یک مجرم، مشکلات صحی، ناسازگاری غذا های کمپ های مهاجرت
برای مهاجران، ... همه و همه استرس، نگرانی و تشویش های گوناگونی را برای مهاجران خلق
این تشویش ها، نگرانی ها، اضطراب ها و مشکلات دست
به دست هم داده، مهاجران را به طور بسیار شدید تحت فشار های روحی و روانی قرار میدهد
که تاثیرات بسیار عمیق و ناگوار روحی و روانی را بر مهاجران گذاشته و سلامت و سلامتی
آنها را تهدید میکند.
ما درینجا یک قدم و یک گام بسیار مفید و ثمر بخشی
برداشتیم و در راستای مبارزه با استرس، رهنمایی های بسیار خوبی را، به زبان بسیار ساده
و قابل درک برای مهاجران ایجاد کردیم، تا بتواند کمک بزرگی برای مهاجران باشد، تا با
مبارزه با پدیده استرس منفی و ویرانگر، مبارزه کرده و بتوانند صحت و سلامت خود را حفظ
اگر نظری، پیشنهادی و یا هم کنفرانسی داشتید، تماس
بگیرید که در مورد مشکلات مهاجران صحبت کنیم.
با احترام
How can we survive the stress, anxiety, distress, worry, tension,
depression and fear of the unknown and uncertainty that have overshadowed the
entire lives of refugees and take the lives of refugees every day?
Every day, we hear the bad news of refugees who commit
suicides, or end their lives by drowning, or change to drug addicts to forget
the heavy pressure of stress, depression, disguise, insults, worry, hate, misbehaving
and unfair treatments. This is all because of the stressful environment and
increased political pressure and stress forced by the European countries on
lonely individual refugees, who have trusted European countries their lives and
naively thought that they are good people and they will help them and give them
a chance to start a new life without war in Europe. But it is really so? I
think the increased level of pressure stress, depression and tension is because
of the newness of the environment for them and newness of the living conditions,
not knowing of the rules of the new environment, not being able to understand
the language, excessive bureaucratic administrative affairs and strict asylum
provisions, difficult living conditions of asylum seekers in the camps, alienation,
segregation, xenophobia and anti immigration policies of host countries,
over-protection, suspicion, deprivation of work and income, or lack of a
residence permit and work permit, not having the right to study, not having the
right to leave the camp, not being able to eat what you want to eat, eating
what you don’t want to eat, not having the money to travel and staying in the refugee
camp for many years, disguise, disrespect, and many other form of social
problems increase the level of social, economic and psychological pressure of
the refugees which force them to the ground and cause them deep chronic depression,
self talking, losing minds and control of their muscles, and makes them suffer
so much the they prefer to end their lives so that they can stop the pain and
the grief they endure. There are many other reasons, the negative answer to the
case of asylum and the uncertainty of the future without a hope and without belonging
to a place, having no shelter, lack of good and close friends, nostalgia of
losing or being apart from the family members and the pain of the separation
from close family, and friends, falling into the hands of extreme
anti-immigrant and anti-refugee racist groups, and cultural differences,
cultural shock, strange behavior of people in host countries, hateful looks and
glances, looking at refugees as offenders, as criminals, as health problems, the
incompatibility of refugees camps for asylum seekers and their strict stupid rules
and regulation, the unfriendly behavior of the refugee camp workers and
employees ... all create stress, anxiety, worry, tension, depression and even trauma
for the new refugees or asylum seekers.
These distresss, concerns, anxieties and problems have put
hand in hand, exacerbate the miserable living conditions of the refugees,
asylum seekers, migrants and the displaced homeless people and put them under
intense mental and psychological pressure, which has put profound and
distressful negative impacts and threatens the lives of individual refugees, immigrants
and their health and well-being.
We have taken a step here and a very useful and fruitful
step, and we created a very good guidance in combating stress in a very simple
and understandable language for refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers in
order to be of great help to the vulnerable refugee, asylum seeker, and immigrants,
in order to teach them to be able to fight against the phenomenon of negative
and destructive stress, and to fight for their health and to make them able to
maintain their health and well-being.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or conferences, to talk
about the problems of the refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants about their
miserable living conditions, do not hesitate to contact me.
With respect