
Sex an Exchange for Exam Marks

An Afghan refugee happens to get acquainted with a University teacher who teaches in a very well accredited European University. The teacher invites the Afghan friend for a drink in a weekend evening. They both drink a whole bottle of Scotch and began a very good and truthful conversation as below.

Afghan refugee: Well professor, tell me the truuuuth bout somethin fascinating or a secret of your life. Oh yeah I remember a question to ask, tell me about your class students, from which countries they are? Which ones do you like the best?

University teacher: Well, we got a whole nuumberrrr opf students from all over this round world. I even got Afghan students too. I got Iranians, I got Armenians, I got South Americans, Africans, Macedonians and all other European counties too.

Afghan refugee: Are there many male students or equally from both gender?

University teacher: It depends on the year. Some years we get too many male students and whole class smells tactical and balls. And sometimes we get a whole bunch of female students and then the class smells pussy the whole year. (They both laugh)

Afghan refugee: Tell meee the truuuth prooofessooor, how many of your students do you fuck every year?

University teacher: To be honest wid ya, I fuck anyone that I like. Almost all of them are available for me. You know, in our education system, the teaacher is the king.

Afghan refugee: Wow, you are a fucking man hahah? How do you do that? You don’t feel shy to ask your student to sleep with ya?

University teacher: It is very easy like drinking water. I have my own techniques. I make the lessons too difficult to understand and give them too many homework and assignments which means too much pressure on them. Then I ask them in the office and question them why they don’t study? I tell them they failed in the exam. And girls easily cry and offer what I want for some marks. When I fuck them, then I give them the top marks afterwards and I plan on others at the same time. Sometimes I fuck 2 to 3 students in 1 week and that is too much for me, I need to take some pills for that. Last week I fucked a student from Iran. She was virgin and she was so tight, God damn it, I enjoyed so much.

Afghan refugee: That is a very good technique! Hahah Put pressure, force them and get them. What happens if they reject what you want?

University teacher: It is simple, they fail. (hahaha he laughs)

Afghan refugee: What about male students? What should they do to pass?

University teacher: They got 2 options. To study hard and to do lots of flattery to me. (haha the both laugh and tossed for the next drink … cheers!)

P.S. Sorry for the language, it is because they were both drunk.